Crowdfunder Complete!

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We raised over £18k in our Crowdfunder to produce the first 200 metres of Bristol Cloth!!


What an EPIC journey this has been.
Every single one of you who has pledged, donated, written about/filmed/interviewed/published the Bristol Cloth story, collaborated, shared posts, encouraged me, modelled and been there to offer ideas and suggestions to keep the momentum going...So many people have been instrumental in making this happen.
Honestly, I've never felt so supported and connected in my life. I am incredibly grateful to you all. I'm excited. I'm thrilled that we've raised over £18,000 and the Bristol Cloth is a real happening thing.
This has been a massively adrenaline fuelled day, week, 2 months...And soooo much more is still going on behind the scenes which I get to tell you about in the coming weeks and months...This really is just the beginning..
So much love and gratitude to you all, you excellent beings!
Thank you xXXXXXx Babs xXXXXXx

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